Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This is James with his aunt Shan. Shan and her family come up from Ariazona to visit for a day. They were on there way to Idaho to see Brians family, then off to Red Fish lake for a few days.. when they were here we all thought it would be fun to take the kids down to the Gate Way and let them play in the water fountians.
Then mom/ grandma wanted a picture of all the grand kids. James was tired and hungry and wouldn't sit there unless mommy was there too. NO i am not a gradkid. :p
This is about all James did. He did try and venture out int he water but only to come running right back.
Later that night Mom thought it would be nice to get a Family Picture since Shan and her family were here. The last family picture only had Brian in it and we have all gotten married and some have had kids and none in the last family pictures. James was agian tired and just done with the day.
Then he found the broom. I think this is one of he most favorite toys right now. give him a broom and he can play for hours. well that is if the broom is out side.

1 comment:

Arizona Manwarings said...

You shall die for putting me on your blog